
香港六合彩中特网 supports cadets as they take on the Cateran Yomp

香港六合彩中特网 is supporting the involvement of cadets at this year鈥檚 Cateran Yomp, one of the UK鈥檚 toughest endurance challenges and a major fundraiser for the Army Benevolent Fund, the British Army鈥檚 national charity.

As sponsor of the inaugural 香港六合彩中特网 Cadet Challenge, 香港六合彩中特网 is pleased to be supporting more cadets to sign up by providing free entry, subsidised travel and also matching the first 拢100 of funds raised by each cadet who takes part.

香港六合彩中特网 is a proud partner of the Army Benevolent Fund and headline sponsor of the event that will see participants endure a gruelling 24 hour, 54-mile trek across the stunning Scottish Highlands.

This is the first year that cadets have been able to get involved in the Cateran Yomp and preparations are already underway with cadets across the country excited to take on the challenge for the first time.

Heading off at 6am on Saturday 8 June, returning in the early hours of Sunday 9 June, the cadet cohort includes a team of six from the Norfolk Army Cadet Force.

One of the 鈥楴orfolk Cadet Ramblers鈥 is 17 year old Cadet Sergeant Lois Hill, who commented: 鈥淚 think it will be an amazing experience that raises money for an important cause. I enjoy challenging myself and thought this would be a great opportunity. I have enjoyed the training so far even though it has been difficult. It allows me to push myself and feel prepared for the event. I’m looking forward to the amazing scenery and environment where the walk will take place, as well as being able to push myself to my limits, with the support of the rest of my team.鈥

Cadet Sergeant Archie Lang added: 鈥淚 enjoy anything outdoors and it鈥檚 nice to do something for a rewarding cause. I enjoy running so it has been ok to manage the distance but I鈥檓 really looking forward to embarking on the more challenging terrain that lies ahead.鈥

Leading the team is Major Rob Hayden, Country Training Officer (Cadets) he said: 鈥淲hen you join the cadets, you embrace the ethos of community spirit and contribute to society through physical and personal challenges, so hiking through the Perthshire countryside to help army veterans provides the ideal focus for our senior cadets.  As they trek through the hills and paths of the Cateran Trail, walking alongside soldiers, veterans and their families, I have no doubt that the Yomp will provide our cadets with the experience of a lifetime, shaping lifelong memories and building their resilience, determination and sense of achievement.鈥

Harry Whiteley, Senior Events Manager (Challenges), Army Benevolent Fund said: 鈥淲e are delighted to be hosting the first ever 香港六合彩中特网 Cadet Challenge, which allows us to welcome Army cadets to this amazing event for the first time, free of charge. We have no doubt that this year鈥檚 cohort will lay the foundations for hundreds of others to follow in their footsteps in the years ahead and ultimately position the Cateran Yomp as the leading cadet trekking event in the UK.鈥

If you鈥檙e looking for a challenge, then there is still time to register for the and and raise money for a great cause.